Statement di Ofcom sulle nuove reti
Oggi Ofcom (il regolatore britannico) ha fatto un annuncio e messo online un bel documento sul futuro delle reti e la loro regolamentazione.
Le misure proposte sono indirizzate allo sviluppo di reti in fibra ed in generale ai cosiddetti investimenti NGA (next generation access).
La prima fase si compone di principi per promuovere investimenti e permettere l’utilizzo di infrastrutture realizzate da BT openreach a tutti gli operatori.
E’ chiaro che una politica del genere si può attivare solo perché esiste una divisione della rete da chi offre i servizi, altrimenti diventa difficile…
Post correlati:Regulatory principles to promote investment and fair competition
Ofcom’s statement sets out the overall approach on future regulation of super-fast broadband services. The five main elements to promote private sector investment and competition are:
Promoting investment
- Pricing freedom. Communication providers such as BT will have the freedom to price wholesale super-fast broadband products themselves without any regulatory intervention. This will allow investors to make an appropriate return on their investment, based on the risk they are taking but pricing at a level that the market will bear, given the ready availability of alternative broadband services.
- Risk reflective rate of return. In the event of further competition emerging upstream – by companies offering super-fast broadband through passive access – investors will have the opportunity to earn a rate of return that genuinely reflects their costs and the associated level of risk.
- Efficient networks. Ensuring that inefficiencies are not built into the deployment of super-fast broadband that could result in a barrier to investment. For example, ensuring that two sets of engineers are not required to service the same request and avoiding excessive complexity of business systems needed to support the network.
Securing competition
- Wholesale access for all. Ofcom will support new active fibre-based wholesale products offered by BT. This will require Openreach to offer fibre-based broadband services to other providers – including BT Retail – on equal terms and without favour.
- Encouraging future competition. Allowing companies to invest alongside BT when networks are built, or ensuring that new infrastructure will support further future competitive investment should demand arise.
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